Sunday, May 13, 2007

Its mother's day weekend and I've heard testimonies about different mothers, so here's mine.

Mommy is one of the few people that I've always admired. When I was little, my father went overseas and thus, my mother had to bring me up single-handedly. She is a person loyal to her roles as a mother, daughter and husband. She is responsible and prioritised me over many other luxuries she could have had.

I always wonder how my mother could cope with a full time job and bringing me up. At then, she never seemed to be worn out or exhausted. Somehow, there was always time and energy left for me. She was commited to teaching me morally and academically.

My mother pushed me to be the best that I can. She would point out my mistakes and comfort me when I feel upset about something that I might have done wrong. All this for me, my mother never expected anything in return.

In my family, mother is always the one bearing the brunt of all the fights and arguments. Being one with the most patience, she always play the role of a peacemaker while the rest of us make warmongers.

Now that my mother has found her refuge in Jesus, she recognises that I am a gift from God. I am not hers alone to keep. She constantly prays for me and is always supportive of the decisions I make in my life.

When I was unlovely, she loved me. When everyone seem to hate me, she was kind to me. When it felt like the world was against me, she comforted me. It is true that mothers are a glimps of heaven.

Happy mother's day!