Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What happened early this month..

Camp was quite exciting although it took me quite some effort to push myself up to
Malacca at 7 in the morning of a public holiday. The things I truly appreciate about camp is the fellowship that can be found no where else because we were made to live with each other for 5 days.

What I took home from camp was the conviction of modelling myself after Jesus. Being sacrificing and forgiving, and showing perfect unconditional love to people.

We had games and all the campers were divided into 4 huge teams. Mine was the ingloriously named 'Livers' because our tag line is "Live as Jesus lived". The games brought me closer to many people and put me to the challenge of being Terence's assistant. I had to say the games were really well-planned. Thumbs-up for those who designed it.

The things we do (for the sake of the call).. Haha kidding..

We won!

These are some of the funny skid moments. Most of the time its not the skid that is funny, its the cast.

There was so much fun and fellowship. But in the light of it all, we were heavy-hearted with grievous news of deaths occurring one after another. It felt like a mysterious force at work. If it was meant to bring us all down, it backfired. While we hear of Zibin's agony back home with his mom, we prayed and cried. It was like what the bible said. That when one part suffers, the rest groan in suffering too.

It was my plan to get my precious 8 hours of sleep each night but it never did happen. But all that fun and the time spent with all the ones I love is worth the energy.

Now to look forward to camp 2008.