Monday, December 10, 2007

Kaleo camp was over the last weekend. It was quite a blast really although I'm very tired from it and suffering withdrawal symptoms. There are too many good moments to mention. But my favourite part of it would be all the worship periods. It was particularly ministering.

It's really nice to see our youths leading. This camp has made me feel like it's time for us to step aside and let them make the important decisions. It's a joy and yet I'll miss the time when we were in charge. But all of us have to grow up don't we?

Some youths came to Christ! What a joy! It's like seeing all the work done for just this result.

Say to those who are fearful hearted
Do not be afraid
The Lord your God
Is strong with His mighty arms
When you call on His name
He will come and save

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to HIm
You will arise again
He will come and save you

Say to those who are broken hearted
Do not lose your faith
The Lord your God
Is strong with His loving arms
When you call on His name
He will come and save

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to HIm
You will arise again
He will come and save you

He is our refuge in the day of trouble
He is our shelter in the time of storm
He is our tower in the day of sorrow
Our fortress in the time of war

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to HIm
You will arise again
He will come and save you