Monday, January 21, 2008

Le Grand Chef

It's one dramatic film that reminds me of Ratatouille, with all the hunger-evoking scenes of food. However, the movie begins with a really graphic scene of how sashimi is being prepared, in this case blow fish sashimi. But watching the chef end the fish's life by decapitating the head and then disemboweling it, some might have sworn not to eat sashimi ever. It didn’t bother me though.

Competition runs throughout the show, particularly between 2 chefs vying for an artifact, a blade belonging to the Royal Chef generations ago. Much family history had implicated this generation and all these are revealed in flashbacks that occur almost too often. And that is the basic plot for you.

There is light-heartedness in the film with some very emotional moments and it’s possibly the factor that makes the film dramatically enthralling. I’ve learnt that food is not just food in itself. Good food is prepared with emotion and a cheerful heart.

Oh, and chefs make pretty good artists.

Le Grand Chef