Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine's Day

Yes it’s Valentines Day but valentines don’t make the entirety of it does it?

Something that happened today bugged me quite a bit and is still bugging me while I’m typing this. I left Harvest Care Centre and was waiting at a rather empty bus stop along Sims Drive. To be exact, I was waiting for 64 which usually take excruciatingly long. A girl, in her school uniform (I shan’t name the school), treaded past me. I glanced briefly and saw a teardrop halfway down her cheek. At that moment, the bus I was waiting for was about to leave the stop and the girl strode across the road. By then she was sobbing a little. Fearing that I might have to wait another gruelling 20 minutes, I got up the bus, saying a quick prayer for the girl and hoping for the best.

Was I self-centred? The reason why this was bugging me was that I could have done something for her but I didn’t. Now and perhaps the next few days, I will have to live with this downtrodden feeling and it’s very unpleasant.

Back to main topic, Valentines Day. It is always made special by the person and not activity. For the 2nd year, I got ‘home-made’ flowers. Some people wonder why girls like flowers so much. My reason is because they’re the only form of God’s beautiful creation of nature you can take home. Since this was hand-wrapped, it’s like God’s plus Terence’s creation.

I honestly wasn’t even expecting flowers but he surprised me.. again. Now I’m really impressed with his bouquet wrapping skills and ironically, I want to learn it. It would probably serve as my Valentines Day activity next year in case Terence can’t celebrate with me.

So I came home with flowers. Usually my grandma would ask where that came from and she’ll say “beware of those guys who buy you flowers.. they just want to get you to bed”, and I’d be thoroughly amused. Strangely enough, she doesn’t say that about Terence. Instead, she’ll get the poor maid to find a vase for them and tells me how to prolong their lives.

Finally, for the first time in a very long while, I bought myself something under the clothing/shoes/bags/accessories category. Applause to me. However, it was made unpleasant when I found out that Aldo in PS doesn’t participate in the CapitaLand gift voucher promotion after I said confidently “I’ll take this pair” with a big smile on my face. So I paid a hefty sum. Sadness.