Thursday, May 22, 2008

Iron Man

Iron Man

It has been screening for a couple of weeks now and I've just caught it.

Iron Man is a simple superhero movie with a simple plot. A prodigy in engineering, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is the world's leading weapon-producer. However, he was captured in Afghanistan after demostrating a new missile. Being held in captivity for 3 months, he saw the weapons he made being used against humanity. Later, he made an armoured suit to escape.

Back home, he realises Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges) has been secretly supplying Stark weapons to insurgents. In a bid to stop Obadiah and to destroy his weapons, Tony refines his suit and makes himself Iron Man.

I can totally understand all the buzz about it, about how cool it is. Well, gadget geeks would go all gaga over the machines and the 3-D simulator that Iron Man used to do his suit. Not to mention he has one of the coolest houses ever, more chic than Batman's.

What was disappointing though was that little airtime was given to Iron Man to show off his stunts. We see more of him constructing and testing his suit rather than seeing him display the wonders of it.

Iron Man