Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The near-fatality of busy-ness

The usual rush of making films and writing scripts have barged into the semester, not like the start was an easy one. But nevertheless, its enjoyable especially the moments on set when everyone puts their mind into the film and do whatever it takes to make it a success.

Days ahead are going to be tough, partly because I've gotten a place in BSF this year again. And so its quite a struggle to have to juggle e-group, b-group and BSF. Still, it is joy to have opportunities to study the Word.

Most of my time now is used to do up my assignments well and to try make ends meet. Recently, I've been taking pictures for a photography assignment and the photos turn out pretty good. Would be nice if I could sell some of them to image banks. I've been working on an online shop too. Would be posting on that soon!