Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Before the sun rose to display it's radiant colours, I resolved to run 2.4 again. And I did it. I'm happy. Now I'm resolving to do that everytime I go run.

And while Christmas is nearing, and my money rapidly decreasing, I can only get retail therapy from Christmas ornament shopping. Am I ever so glad to get the job of being the official decorator of this year's Christmas in church.

Concourse, too famous for being the best place for Christmas decorations shopping. With all nicely decorated Christmas trees, I get in the mood almost instantly. Shimmering, glittering, flowery, blinking, all standing with a certain stillness but with lights dancing and ribbons wrapped round them in splendor. Too many things to see, too little time and money to spend.

Work was lousy today, being made busy by bothersome stuff. Bosses tend to become unpleasant and even the nicest of all supervisors have their petty days. I shan't elaborate further.

And in a bad day comes a good moment of food and catching up. No matter how tired or how lazy I can get, meeting with girlfriends can't be missed. Friends make a priceless privilege. So we sat and ate and talked and talked and talked till the shop closed. I had fun and maybe we should meet again soon.