Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What Jude told me

The recent study of Jude was thought-provoking. The study has not been completed yet but a turn to look back.

Just as Jude declares his servanthood in Christ, will we ever be proud to do the same? We can either be bold to declare our status in Christ or disown Jesus like Peter did.

The Lord calls and loves and keeps us, and gives us mercy, peace and love in abundance. That's all the reason I ever need to contend for the faith I live for. Contend is to live out the biblical truths and teach sound doctrine. It also means to die for rather than deny the faith. We are called to persevere and agonise for the faith.

And the wake up call starts here. In churches all over the world, people stream in not to seek God but to seek self-centred gains. These people can be found in every ministry, even in the church's leadership. Outwardly, everything may seem fine. Everyone seem like they are faithfully serving but their motives, unseen by men will expose their pretence. God has said it before that many will come but few will enter the kingdom of heaven.

And its a wake up call to watch my faith, most importantly my motives of whether I'm going to serve or to be served.