Monday, March 17, 2008

5 facts about Alicia most people don't know

Now here’re 5 facts I’m quite sure most people don’t know about me. Maybe closer friends might know a couple of these facts but I’m pretty sure there’s at least 2 people don’t know.

I’d choose reading Game Axis over Cleo magazine

Games or fashion, I’d choose the former. In Mass Communication, I chose to write for the games column over the fashion section because I simply can’t write anything for fashion. Unless I get a professional dermatologist to give facial advice and then churn an article out, if not I’m blank at this subject. The best beauty advice I’d ever given was to Jami who wanted to buy eye cream. All I told her was about the eye cream I used which was given to me by mom, who by good-will wanted to save my eyes from getting blacker rings. On the other hand, I played Counter Strike competitively and had enjoyed it. It’s where I met Terence even. Right now, I’m playing Guild Wars. Many other ladies in the world play it to so it’s not that bad.

I had wanted to be a meteorologist

I wanted to chase tornadoes and study weather patterns and natural disasters. But that is only possible if I shift myself to places that experience extreme weather, unlike Singapore which has only one season. It’s also because of my interest in natural catastrophe, I like movies like The Day After Tomorrow and Twister. I would still like to see a tornado first hand, if I ever get a chance.

I am obsessive compulsive

This habit comes most obviously in my design work and also my bed. Yes my bed. I absolutely hate it when my bed sheet is left creased. I will most likely straighten it before I leave the bed to do something else. However, I don’t carry this habit of mine into hotels or camps. So if you think you can bunk in with me in hope of me clearing the bed, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Another place I display this habit is my office desk. I usually know it when someone touches something on my desk in the office. It’s ok for people to touch my desk but I get extra annoyed when people use my stuff and don’t put it where it belongs after that.

I am hydrophobic

Bet almost the whole world didn’t know that. I might swim more often than many people but I’m actually hydrophobic. I have the fear of being sucked into the pool in the middle of swimming but I still go on anyway because I do enjoy the exercise. It’s like therapy. I have no fear of shallow pools of course but I do have to pluck up courage and say a prayer before swimming across the Olympic pool.

I am battling inferiority complex

Yes I am. Mostly from childhood negative rejection and what-not. It is actually a mental condition and I display most of the symptoms. It’s hard to reverse the things said to me in the most vulnerable years of my life. But thank God, I did not resort to cutting myself or even committing suicide. During my teenage years, I suffered from acne problem and people despised me for that. They even called me ugly. Yes they used the word. Add on the fact that I was not into the mainstream money-making industry like law, medicine, finance, engineering and the like but I’m into arts. My family wasn’t happy with that. I was always seeking approval but never got it. Perhaps I’m different in my behavior and the way I carry myself that most girls seem apprehensive about hanging out with me. It isn’t so bad anymore but it’s still a battle, now a spiritual battle.

And that’s 5 facts about Alicia for you.