Monday, March 02, 2009

It's like the week just flashed and I can hardly keep up. It was meant to be a week's break but it was far from what a break should be. For 4 days in a row, I dragged my ill-motivated feet to school and friday was spent preparing for Alicia's wedding.

Very soon, we are going to film on the set that just got completed. At the beginning of the semester, it sounded appealing, the fact that we were going to film on a set. But the wearing down of our spirits from the first half of semester snatched our interest. And finally after we saw the set, we didn't want to film anymore.

The walls are grey and the floor is checked. And we're not allowed to repaint the place for the sake of our scripts. How dumb is that?

So far, it has been pouring in the afternoons, just when I'm out filming or just about to be in the open. It's like the clouds above are delibrately waiting to rain on me. But then there was the prominent rainbow embossed in the sky last Wednesday. Apparently, many others saw it which is no surprise. It was a full arc with colours glistering brightly in the evening sun. It's a rare moment I'm willing to tolerate the rain for.

I'm really tired, contrary to what a break was made for. The list of events had bogged me down. Still we're at the halfway mark of this sem and then off to level 2. It's quicker than I thought. I owe my assignments lots of time. Some for my final essay which I have been faithfully putting off choosing the movie and topic. And I owe 2 hours and 40 minutes to Benjamin Button which I have been conveniently putting off too.

Ah sigh, its like life is catching up with me, fast. But I don't think I can go faster. I hate stress, then again who doesn't. So I find myself constantly trying to master the art of being stressless and failing horribly.

Back to school and work and the unending task of trying to be superwoman, I'm in quite a bit of trouble with my solo project. I should shoot next week but I haven't done any casting except approaching my lead actress. I honestly think I'm going to die.

For the sake of financing shoots, I've resort to selling photos to imagebanks hoping to get a good price. I hate to say resort but resort seem appropriate in an uncanny way. My next means is to start a blogshop which is in operation although i haven't placed everything up. Anyway, visit Little Trinkets, my very own blogshop competing with millions of other online shops in the world. I'm such an optimist aren't I?