Wednesday, December 16, 2009

musing for the third time

This is the third time I'm blogging this month. Haha. But it's not because I'm super free or anything like that, just that blogging takes my mind off stuff sometimes.

Back to the topic of internship again. I just remembered it's.. yeah.. internship. The long hours have driven me a little mad. I think I've said that before. But yea, the hours make me dizzy. And it's worse now because half the crew is missing. We've gotten new grips and a new AD, a new cam crew too and the production team just got cut by half. It's probably a good thing the art team is still intact although the stress is causing some friction. I, on the other hand, dread the coming chore of digitising the behind-the-scenes footage, not to mention edit.

As always there have been good and bad times. Certain shooting days were more 'fun' because of the location like the freezer and bridal boutique. And today, it was this abandoned compound with a few buildings. And Skye and I still fondly recall the day we inhaled petrol for three hours, travelled across Singapore literally with dysfunctional brakes, have container trucks speeding towards us, and crawled under a bus in Tuas to take pictures. We could've died in many ways that day, add on the fact that it was pouring.

Today, we baked in the morning sun and I've got tan lines. My neck hurts. And I had planned to go to Sentosa somewhere next week. I'm gonna find out if I could slap huge amounts of sun screen and sun block on the tanned portions and tan the rest of my body. It's annoying to have only my neck and arms tanned. But then, today was one of those days that the colour of the sky was the most beautiful blue. And I adore very much the rich blue colour the sky has on sunny mornings.

Christmas is coming I just realised and I've a long list of things I wish for. Sigh. We live in a material world. I'm still bitter about losing my money to making a new IC. I could have gotten new clothes. And I want a new PC and iphone. But looking at the way things are going, I'm not going to possess any of those anytime soon. Maybe I should just learn to appreciate what I already have. I've decided to complain less.

Ultimately, it's still the simple things in life like going for walks, sitting by the beach, being around nature that's therapeutic. It's doing the things I love. And perhaps eating the stuff I like, like strawberry yogurt. Haha. I've drank strawberry milk, eaten strawberry yogurt, and strawberry sorbet, but I still want more. I guess strawberries are truly my favourite fruit and flavour.

I haven't played Guild Wars for an uber long time. I really need to get my PC fixed up and start playing again.