Monday, December 14, 2009

faraway dreams and lofty ideas

I guess it had been good for me to be at camp for a short while to see how my girls were doing. And even more so to listen to Ebby preach.

And that made me think again.

My current education is sucking my life; I've got a schedule from hell. And it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting fame and awards and recognition, and forget why I chose this to start with. I want to make films that'll make the world a better place. I want to make films that'll bring salvation to people, films that are against films of this world. That's why I came here. Why should anything else matter?

Perhaps I have been straying. And now I'm reminded of the little things that make one impure. It's the biblical moral standards that I have to follow and not my own nor the world's. If I had been more devoted to God, perhaps I'd have been more immune to all the crap happening around me. I am going mad, and so I'm reverting back to reading the Psalms. It is still good to praise the Lord.