Sunday, September 26, 2010

Surviving barely and badly

Yup. It's the usual never ending pile of work. I've been finding myself having difficulty writing my stories for lack of inspiration. And the fact that the screenwriting module has so many assignments. I have a thesis paper due in 6 weeks and I haven't started on it. Go me.

Frankly I'm sick of Fort Canning. We've been shooting there so much I know the place by hard already. Not to mention the injuries, bites and weird symptoms I've been getting. Because I was mad enough to take up sound, I had to do it during the directing exercises. It is kind of fun actually, once I got the hang of it. But there's still so much room for improvement, still so much to learn.

Some people come into film to work hard and try their best to achieve their peak in filmmaking. Some others come in to say "I don't care". Honestly, if you don't then neither do we. Sometimes I feel like I care too much. Like I care more about how some people are going to survive the final year more than that person himself/herself. I guess bad attitude always come with its consequences. Just don't come sobbing when no one wants to entertain you.

Don't really like the way 9420 Hours is progressing. I'm taking quite long to come up with changes and drafts. And the SFC proposal is due in a month. Not sure how it's going to happen. I'm a bit disappointed that I probably can't make my documentary cos I can't find a low class foreign worker who does charity work in Singapore. Somehow, they don't seem to exist.

I need to be more disciplined with time these days and make the most out of every minute.