Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Epiphany of Change

Or lack thereof in some ways.

Once again, many events had ensued since the last post. It has been almost a month.

Firstly, congratulations to me for graduating successfully with a Bachelor's Degree in Film. And congratulations to the success of our thesis films, much to our surprise. Beneath all the joy of succeeding and graduating is the reluctance in leaving my best friends from school. Each of us are moving to separate directions and returning to school these days to an empty campus seem strange. I find myself trying to relive the days of unity in busy-ness amidst my trustworthy mates, something I have to learn to let go at some point.

Romance is taking a turning point as Terence and I finally decide on a clean break, something we both agreed is best for us. Wherever he may be, I know God will be with him, guiding his path. I know that without me, he will find his identity in Christ again and his purpose in life. Without me, he will learn the important things in life.

I've never felt more alone. Leaving fellow filmmakers whom I've seen day in and day out, spending so many long hours with them, and now being single again. In addition, I'm contemplating on worshipping in another church. My only friends in church left are applying to study in Australia and will leave next year. I'm bracing myself for loneliness and independence.