Sunday, August 21, 2011

If only I could turn back time

Today as I spent the afternoon drawing a film budget and writing a treatment at the Esplanade library, I realised how much I missed the days in school. When my work was done, technically because I was running out of battery, I took a slow walk from there to Bugis, wandering the vicinity alone. And I felt a yearning for those days to be back again.

I had such marvelous time having dinner with the people I used to see every day. We recalled the days in school and it felt like the first day of school was just yesterday. And I miss it so much now.

This brings me to want to dedicate the achievements I have to all from school whom I love very much. I'm not gonna talk like I've gotten the McNally award. In fact, I haven't the slightest confidence of getting it. But nevertheless, I dedicate even my nomination to them, the ones who believed in me and are still supporting me now.

And I know this was what the school fees were paid for. All the friendships, the refining, the polishing, the skills, the talent and the art. These 3 years had seen the biggest change in me. It was the time where I was made to apply all the bible knowledge I had accumulated prior to film school. Of course, I failed more than I passed. But that's what life is. Failing and then picking up again. It's just that some failures come with consequences that others suffer too. So I didn't buy my first class honours. I bought the priceless lessons life can bring me at this point.

I feel the calling going deeper about starting the initiative, a production house that dedicates itself to social issues and Christianity. I just got a deja vu typing that sentence. But yes, I feel the responsibility bestowed on me in using the power of media and the web to reach out. It is something very much on my mind now and I'm even thinking of making the human trafficking documentary with like a production house branding to it.

So this is some sort of strange combination, holding to the past and looking forward to the future.