Monday, November 14, 2011

Down and Out

I feel really lousy. I can't write a bloody 3 minute story for the CVA.

On the other hand, there's this other nice person who can draw fantastically, self-taught. I've been trained in writing and I can't come up with any crap even. Thanks for the slap in my face. Makes me wonder how anyone in this world can still ever have any ounce of confidence left.

Makes me wonder if I should even step into the incubator team/project/plan. Thinking of pulling out. If I can't even handle CVA, I don't think I'm going to be able to nurture a business out of the incubator.

And to the place I have been going to faithfully every Sunday morning, it doesn't feel like home anymore. Thanks for pointing out that there's probably something wrong with me, because I chose to break up and not marry. Apart from the only few I can trust, thanks for the effort to try and conform me to the unsaid definition of what a 'perfect Christian woman' is. First, she definitely would not be in the entertainment industry. Secondly, she would have girls for best friends and not be such a tomboy that guys make better hang-out buddies. Thirdly, she should be married to the guy she dated for so many years, why is the career coming first? ("M + W dated after you but they got married before you leh") To be brutally honest, I'm one foot out, so thanks for making the point that there's no place for people like me. Well, you chased my best friend away cos she couldn't conform and now you want to do the same to me?

Life is heartbreaking. Really.