Monday, April 16, 2007

It's past mid April and I'm still stranded in my own world thinking time hasn't passed. And now having blog frequencies decreased (due to laziness), its time yet again to recollect my thoughts.

Recently I've been stealing too much ice cream and brownie breaks and diving into the temptation of fried mushrooms. I love mushrooms. They're my favourite food. So because of irregular food and too much junk, I'm losing appetite seriously.

I've learned something this week. That it is never to young or old to serve God. Yet age is what we like to use as an excuse to hide in our comfortable little hole. In just last 2 to 3 weeks, God has shown me Moses who was called when he was 80 and Daniel and Joseph rising to glory when they were in their teens. In other words, all the days of our lives from the day we live to the day we die, we are called to serve him, to sacrifice our time for His glory. All the days from when we were born till we see Him, we are to surrender our days to Him.

A pastor shared this with me.
Philippians 2:1-4
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

The first part of the passage talks about the importance of unity in the body of Christ. We are one body yet many parts but still having the same love and purpose. And that is to share the love of Christ and fulfilling the great commission. Such unity brings joy to the leader of the ministry and even more joy to the ultimate leader, God himself.

How often do we put ourselves above others. Paul says to "do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit". It is clear enough. How often have we forsake other for the sake of ourselves or worse still, exploit others for our own benefit. Considering others better than yourselves is not implying that we should sink into thoughts of being one who is inferior. It simply means we are to put others above ourselves, to place others priority above ourselves and thus looking into the interests of others. Note that we still have to take care of ourselves. But almost all the time, we take it to the extreme of taking care ONLY of ourselves.

A great way to apply this is to switch to a mindset from thinking how perhaps a friendship would benefit you to how you can be a blessing to this friend. This attitude should be taken everywhere we go. Instead of thinking "how will church benefit me?", rather, think about how you can serve the church. Even in your families, in the workplace or in school, think about how you can benefit others over what good others bring you. This is one step towards Christlikeness as we are called to be the salt and light of the world. How should we live then as a Christian? Being self-centred or others centred?

Having said all that, I am ironically not looking forward to church camp. Should I just hide away and take my time for a good reflection or go mingle and be crazy again. Everybody probably knows this, but I am quite a lone-ranger. I don't delibrately hide but I just don't show. People say females are social creatures and obtain support in cliques but I think I lose more support if I remain in all-female groups-. Which brings me to wonder if its me or the girls around me. I love shopping and clothes and all but I can't carry out a fashion conversation or a beauty tip discussion which is probably why I don't talk to most girls. I have little talent in discribing feelings so I'm quite blunt and straight to the point. Somehow most girls can talk a whole hour about just one person. I can't unless its God. Maybe I am too sensitive too but girls seem to irk the fact that I "don't care bout my looks" by swimming and running often and having no discipline in sticking to my 3 step regime. And I eat alot. Actually I do appreciate all the kindness girls show towards me about how I should take care of myself but I would appreciate more people would ignore my dark rings and ask about my life. I guess I see love that way.

BSF is getting exciting but tiring and it's draining to stick to the commitment. But I'm holding on cos it's barely first 2 months. I shouldn't be complaining.