Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do Singapore women expect too much?

Look what we have here. In today’s Sunday Times, an article reported some results of a survey done on 200 single women. I guess the government should know by now why we have a shortage of babies. The flat reason is our women have severe attitude problem. Perhaps our education system should include a moral education for our ladies on how they should esteem themselves.

In the Life section titled “Love me, Spoil me”, I read that women (in Singapore) expect men to foot the bill, send them home, initiate celebrations, open restaurant and car doors for them, and even carry their handbags. Gracious me. This is quite shocking. This could very well be a contributing factor of men’s shortened lifespan.

I have many opinions but I won’t voice them all out because I might offend people. Well some comments that people made are quite astonishing. Look what high education has done to people. Just because these women can afford their own car they think they deserve Queen Elizabeth’s treatment. That’s so contradicting.

Anyway, these are comments made by some ladies.

“I’m fine with going dutch, but not on the first date. I think it’s basic courtesy that the guy should foot the bill.”

Fair enough.

“If not, what’s the point of having a boyfriend? I might as well hang out with my girlfriends.”

This lady is 32-years-old and still single. I wonder why. I didn’t know boyfriends these days are dogs. No point of having one if he doesn’t serve you. Honestly, this lady disgusts me.

How can women ever be taken seriously as an equal in society if they behave this way with their mates? If she can’t even carry her own handbag, why should she expect respect in her workplace?

For the sake of Christ, I do sincerely hope no Christian lady is found to have such an attitude and expectation. If one would think she deserves her date fawning all over her, then she doesn’t know what grace is. Grace applies to every part of our lives including our relationships with others. From the moment you think you deserve something, you’re proving yourself otherwise.

But there’s always the other side. Really conceited ladies make it a requirement for men to be at her feet and feed her every need. Yet it is not wrong for men to do these for women, out of love. These are just acts of love and kindness, not acts to prove that he’s worth the woman’s while. An assistant professor said if these are the most important items on most people’s date checklists, then the human race is doomed.

92% of the men surveyed said they will gladly foot the bill for dates. And the rest of the poll claimed that in general men are willing to fulfil these ‘great expectations’.

But men commented as well.

“Some of them are a bit of a nightmare and expect too much from men.”

“There should be give and take in a relationship.”

“Some women are hypocritical as they demand to be taken seriously and treated equally, but when it comes to dating etiquette, they expect their boyfriends to attend to their every need.”

I guess enough has been said. Women should just take time off to ‘face the wall’ and think about how they should meet men’s expectations. It’s not wrong to expect to be treated with equality as a modern woman, but to do so in the workplace and then expect to be treated like a porcelain doll on a pedestal on a date is not virtuous. It’s called double-standard.

I should hope I’m not kicked out of the international sisterhood for saying this. I wonder if anyone would comment.