Friday, June 12, 2009

I figured that maybe I should write a personal post the day before camp. Some months back, during the sign up period, I had a tough debate on whether I should go. Because leaving for three working days would be of great inconvenience to my workplace, especially during the peak period. I took a long time to consider and eventually realised that if I had trusted God enough, I won't have to think so long and hard about whether I should be there. Ah well.

I am looking forward very much to be spending time with God and my peers because I have been in Kaleo so much that I almost don't see them. And Terence and I want to seek God's direction in our lives and relationship. Last weekend I was told that I will be staying with my dear Kimberly and Faith. That was quite a laugh, especially when I announced lights out is to be at 11pm. -evil grin-

Also, Meiyen and I offered to be official photographers for the camp. I was asked to be the videographer again, much earlier but I didn't want to. Because last year, I couldn't participlate at all during camp. It was quite a pain. But this year, I figured that being photographers with Meiyen would allow me to spend some time with her too.

Speaking of Meiyen, I went to Sentosa with her last Monday. It was awesome. Oh in case I didn't mention, we went there to take photos, like do some photography, play around with our cameras. The weather was wonderful and I had enjoyed being with Meiyen for almost a day. Pictures will be uploaded once I get round to it >.>

On a random note, I figured recently that I should revive a list of friends' blogs again, so its easier for me to visit them. When I removed the list some time back, I realised it was stupid of me. I couldn't read them after that cos I had no clue what everyone's url was. So please let me know your blogs and let me link them again. Arigato.

Till next time (which would be after camp), God bless!