Thursday, July 09, 2009

Chili Con Carne

It's been a while since I blog about any of my success in the kitchen. Not that I've been failing >.> just that it takes some excitement over the success to motivate me to write about it. Anyway I just made this a couple of hours ago and it turned out right.

Recently, I had developed a taste for South American food, much of which is spanish influenced. Chili con Carne translates to "chili and meat" literally and that is the base of this dish. It is a stew made from chili peppers, meat, garlic, onions and cumin and believed to have been invented in Mexico. I was incredulous about the cumin because its known to be an Indian spice. Then I realised some Mexicans were of Indian origin. Perhaps thats where the cumin came into the Chili con Carne. Originally, the stew contains only peppers and meat but as it travelled people made variations by adding tomatoes and beans and substituted beef for other kinds of meat.


I had thought of making it last week and bought for myself beef and went to search for various recipes. And this would be my own concoction partly because some recipes demand different kinds of chilies which I find unnecessary.